fresh & practical ideas for your journey to the summit

A way to add new volunteers to your teams this year that you are probably overlooking.
Let’s face it. 2020 has taken a huge bite out of our volunteer apple. Now is the time for a fresh group of people to be invited into the game at your church by establishing a way of letting an overlooked group of people taste what it means to serve God and others. These are individuals who would not be allowed to serve in many churches. Find out who they are and how to recruit them now.

How did this small church more than triple in size in less than 3 years?
Their 10 year journey as a small church of 120 in attendance was fairly typical for U.S. churches. What happened in year 11 was not. Hear the incredible story of what happened, especially if you pastor a church under 200.

Two ways to handle political division like Jesus did
To say this is a challenging year to be a spiritual leader would be an understatement. After quarantining for months, protests breakout that have polarized the culture we serve so severely that it has politicized whether your church even reopens or remain closed. How can we stay focused on the right thing when forces are pulling us to one extreme or the other, especially when so much is at stake for guests?

7 things I just learned for creating an online program that connects guests to your church. (Facebook Live summary session 7)
I was cohosting our first ever Next Steps Online. As we let in the guests from our zoom waiting room, all the squares with real people inhabiting them populated the screen of my laptop. That’s when Lynette’s face appeared. I was about to get schooled on what becomes possible when you create an online space to connect guests at your church.

How to engage your guests using "The Power of Place"
In this post, I am going to create a short photo scrapbook from a location in Israel to demonstrate something I call The Power of Place which I believe can make or break your engagement efforts with people at church.

The New Atheists and how to serve them well
The trouble with churches when it comes to atheists is when you only have a hammer (sound arguments for having faith), everyone starts looking like a nail. Arguments to people without faith now are about the most non-sensical and least effective thing you can do in many cases. Learn 5 different approaches to respond to 5 different kinds of people who don’t believe.

5 practical things I learned on a hike help me connect people better at church
Recently, my daughter Carly and I climbed Castle Rock above Big Bear Lake California. As we hiked, bouldered and climbed, 5 discoveries came to me for those who connect people in local churches. Click here to look at our photo journal to see what I learned.

How a Type 9 on the Enneagram experiences your church and how to connect them
If you have three children like I do, you have had the concern for the emotional landscape of your child in the middle. My so-called “middle child” is Kendra. She is now 24 and she has taught me all about connecting Nines at your church.

How a Type 8 on the Enneagram experiences your church and how to connect them
Charles likes to challenge us. Questions like “Why are we…”, “Why did we…”, and “How will we…” are often asked by him in a polite but direct and courageous way. Why does Charles relentlessly ask the hard questions and make the tough statements? Because Charles is an Eight and you have to know how to connect Eights well to your church.

How a Type 7 on the Enneagram experiences your church and how to connect them
When she was done, she was surrounded by a group of guests connecting with her and our compassion opportunities in animated conversation. That’s because Ariel is a Seven. Discover a Seven’s superpower and how to connect them to your church.

How a Type 6 on the Enneagram experiences your church and how to connect them
There are some fun Do’s and some definite Don’ts when connecting Sixes to your church. Learn them here along with two outstanding superpowers they have as volunteers.

How a Type 4 on the Enneagram experiences your church and how to connect them
Did you know that Van Gogh was…
A pastor’s son
He went to Bible College to become a pastor
He served as a missionary
He was also a Four and Fours are visiting your church right now. Here’s how to reach and connect them.

How a Type 3 on the Enneagram experiences your church and how to connect them
Several business owners were coming into my church and connecting at a descent level with me personally but not relationally with others in the church. I began asking myself why and came up with these 2 observations…

How a Type 2 on the Enneagram experiences your church and how to connect them
Want to know how to connect people like Nathan (a Type Two at my church)? Let’s look at what it takes, how he sees church, the dos and don’ts for reaching someone like Nathan, and of course, his Superpower as a volunteer

Need to get someone's attention in leadership about what needs to change at your church?
Do you ever feel that you are not being heard by your senior leadership as you shout from the trenches? Here are 4 ways to lead up and get the ear of senior leaders, followed by 3 free resources that you may find valuable for such a time as this.
A caution and a call for your soul this Easter
Last May, many of you know I experienced the trip of a lifetime-taking my wife to one of my favorite places on the planet: Italy. The trip ended in Venice, a location I had not been to yet. What I experienced there has left a mark on me. Literally, a Saint Mark on me. Brace yourself for some cool history. Here we go…

5 lessons for connectors from the movie Free Solo
What Alex Honnold did on El Capitan is too astounding to take in. Alex climbed El Capitan in less than 4 hours….without a rope or any other safety equipment. His documentary Free Solo is up for an Oscar this year and is in IMAX theaters right now. As I watched the movie, the lessons for those of us leading people on the climb to connect with God and our churches became obvious to me.

Help...Our church campuses aren't growing!!
Ideas, tips and encouragement on this reality of multisite ministry is what this latest episode of our All About Multisite podcast is about. This one focuses on lack of growth and what can actually reverse it.
Ready to speed up your progress?
Is it time for you to take building (or rebuilding) your Assimilation System seriously with the CTA Video Course (especially before your next big weekend)?
Do you need one-on-one help with one of our results-driven coaching packages? (we’ll join you in the weeds and do the work with you)
Or are you ready for total staff-wide alignment — the fastest move you can make toward strong walls and open gates? Then Base Camp is for you.
What about a full audit of the walls and gates that you are (or maybe aren’t) presenting to your guests every Sunday with a Secret Sunday Guest Review?