One last thought to add to my "Top 3 mistakes churches make when assimilating guests" series

In my last post I shared that the 3rd most common mistake I see churches make when assimilating guests is putting a teacher in charge of their primary connection environment (thus making it a content driven class by default). 

The solution to this mistake is to put someone in front of that environment whose primary strength is "Winning Other Over" (has WOO in their top 5 strengths on Gallup's Strengthfinders test).

I want to expand the playing field on who that type of person may be....

Because we think "class" when assimilating guests (Mistake #2), our default vision for a person leading this connection environment leads us to someone who possesses one or more of these strengths on the Strengthsfinders Test:

  • Ideation-fascinated with ideas (theology and church philosophy)
  • Intellection-love intellectual discussions (can defend the faith)
  • Learner-desire to learn and drill down to the particulars.
  • Analytical-Can think about all the applications (of God/doctrine)

My solution to improving connection with our guests at church is to lead them to a "Connection Experience" led by a a front man or woman who can win others over, and does not have the drive to "teach doctrine" or conduct a Chatechism of any kind (though this will happen by default if the environment is designed well). In addition to WOO on the Strengthsfinders Test, profiles that include these strengths also represent people who win guests over and connect them well:

  • Positivity- have enthusiasm that is contagious
  • Includer-accepting of others and focused on those who may feel left out
  • Connectedness-have faith that we are all connected in some way
  • Communication-are good conversationalists and presenters.

The Bottom Line: Recruit people to lead  your connection environment from up front who win others over because they possess key relational/influencer strengths on the Strengthsfinder Test, not necessarily because they are a great Teacher or Expositor. 

An important reminder: Cost of registration for my next Climbing the Assimilayas Base Camp in Orange County California will increase on Friday April 22nd at midnight. Register now to get the best rate and to make big steps to increasing the effectiveness of your church's ability to connect well with guests.

Hope to see you there!

Greg Curtis
I am a Christ-follower, husband, and father of 3. As a Community Life Pastor at Eastside Christian Church, I overseeing assimilation driven ministry. I am a 3rd generation Southern Californian who is passionate about fostering faith and following Jesus. I value promoting faith in the form of a movement as opposed to its more institutional forms.

The Power of Process (1 of 2)


One last common mistake church's make when assimilating guests